As a business owner it is vital to remember that a website needs care and attention even after it has launched. And for once we’re not on about the need to create fresh content to ensure a well ranking website. Here at Cyber Sushi Design in High Wycombe we’re talking about website maintenance! Don’t click away, this is important stuff… a poorly maintained site can suffer poor rankings if left unattended for too long.
Have you ever landed on a website and clicked right back again because it takes ages to load the page or images or just doesn’t look quite right?
Yes you say, well haven’t we all! That could be your site if you fail to give it the love and attention it needs. You see, websites often need updates to keep them secure and running smoothly.
Sadly there are hackers out there that exploit outdated plugins, scripts etc to cause chaos with millions of sites each and every day. That’s why we need strong passwords, great hosting and MAINTENANCE.
Thankfully you’re in luck. At Cyber Sushi Design we don’t just design websites, we also offer a range of monthly maintenance packages aptly named WebCare and suitable for all business types. These packages start from £69 +VAT per month and include things like WordPress updates, plugin updates, theme and template file updates. We complete our maintenance by ensuring your site runs properly following the updates.
We have three main packages as outlined below but can customise plans to suit you if you have specific needs.
For more information about our website maintenance packages get in touch with the friendly, helpful team at Cyber Sushi Design in High Wycombe on 01494 356 778.
Did you know? If you book in website maintenance quoting ‘Website Design High Wycombe’ by 31st December 2019 you can bag yourself a 20% discount off your first month of WebCare.