Online Branding – The Importance

photo2As high street brands diminish, online we are seeing an influx of start up businesses targeting the internet savvy consumer. With the online marketplace becoming more and more crowded, online brand identity is increasingly important and unless you stand out from your competitors you risk being left out in the cold.

To be found in a search engine you need to ensure your brand has been optimised. Optimisation increases your rankings in sites such as Google and the higher you are the more likely a consumer is to click and view. Once you’ve snared a visitor make sure your brand is one that will stick in mind and be remembered – if yours doesn’t, your competitors might!


Key to a Successful Brand:

1. Trust – Testimonials, good reviews and positive feedback give potential customers a good feeling that becomes associated with your brand

2. Memorable – Be bold, be vivid – unusual even – the key is to capture the imagination of your audience

3. Adaptable – For true success make it work on and offline