At last with iOS9 we can save webpages as PDFs, to email or read content later. This removes the need for a 3rd party app! But lots of people didn’t notice this new feature sneak in. So here, Cyber Sushi Design, explain how to use it in case you didn’t know.
1: Launch Safari on your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad with iOS 9.0 or later and visit any webpage you wish to save as a PDF document.
2: Tap the Share icon (it looks like a box with an arrow jumping out of it) to access iOS’s multi-purpose Share menu.
3: Now choose Save PDF to iBooks in the top row.
Tip: If you don’t see this option, swipe to the rightmost part in the top row of icons, hit More and toggle the option so it appears in the Share menu.
4: The currently visited webpage will be turned into a PDF document and automatically imported into iBooks and saved to your iBooks PDF shelf.
So there you have it, simple but missed by a lot of people, thanks to iPhone Download Blog for bringing it to our attention.