Well Written Content is Key to your Website’s Success

copywriting-high-wycombeFrequently a client will come to us requesting a striking design for their website without having thought about the detail of the content to populate it with. Often, they leave the content until after the site has been built and then “knock something up” in minutes to fill the pages and get the site live.

Quality content is vital to the success of your website. People arriving at a site with poorly written text, filled with appalling spelling and grammar are more likely to hit the back button and head straight to your competitor’s site.

The reason you employ a web designer is to create a beautifully designed site that will attract visitors. Rushing and providing text laden with clumsy spelling and dreadful grammar damages the appearance you’ve paid good money to create.

On the flip side, there are companies that over think the text they provide for their web content and it becomes string upon string of complex sentences – the intention, to make your company sound more professional and sophisticated than your competitors – the reality, you’re left with visitors who haven’t the foggiest idea what your company does.  

Writing elegant copy that ranks well in search engines, grabs and holds the attention of your audience isn’t a five minute job. It isn’t necessarily a job for the gatekeeper of all company knowledge, as they are often so used to speaking in the everyday business jargon, that your target audience would require Google translate to interpret.

In today’s competitive marketplace hiring a copywriter to craft user-friendly content that is targeted at your intended audience is beneficial for more than one reason. Firstly, the copy you will receive will be free of spelling and grammar errors. Secondly, your readers will be able to easily understand what your company does. Thirdly, the copy will be written for search engines, as a confident copywriter can optimise the text to improve search engine rankings.

SEO isn’t just about filling copy with keywords and phrases. Search engines require web copy to be original, to provide a purpose to the intended audience and to be well written, avoiding spelling and grammar errors.

It’s important to understand that your web content isn’t secondary to the design of your site, it’s as important, if not more so. Enabling people to understand the services you provide, in a simple manner, as soon as they hit your site is vital – removed of all jargon, clichés and over hyped marketing spiel.

Cyber Sushi Design provide SEO copywriting services to many of our clients. We create web savvy content to fill the sites we design, we write company blogs on the behalf of clients, we run social media campaigns,  create newsletters and much more.

Hiring a copywriter doesn’t have to be expensive. Contact us today for more information or a free, no obligation, competitive quote for our copywriting services.