App of the Month – April 2014: Social Fixer

facebook fixerFacebook has added some irritating features in its time but auto play videos as you scroll your newsfeed… what’s that about?

Social Fixer gives you the ability to remove the bits of Facebook that bug you, to enhance your user experience. So, if you don’t want to see your pals getting obliterated in the latest neknominate fad or various crude YouTube videos and the like, this is the app you need to logon to your computer and download.

Social Fixer plugs into your browser and improves you Facebook experience, allowing you to choose the features you want to see.


In summary, you can:

  • Filter your News Feed
  • Organise posts by games, apps etc
  • Remove features you don’t want to see and those that you have already seen
  • Automatically show the Most Recent News Feed
  • Add custom themes
  • Fix your timeline
  • Anonymise screenshots
  • Increase font size
  • Show time stamps
  • And much much more

Social Fixer began as a personal project of Matt Kruse, fed up of not being remove posts he had already seen. Free to download but he does ask for donations – simply, as he puts it, to justify to his wife what he’s spending all his spare time developing.

Available for pretty much all major browsers, with the exception of internet explorer, you can find out more and download from